These form when moisture from a drippy glass or a hot dish gets trapped in the finish. To remove a long-standing stain, place a towel on top and press with a warm, dry iron for five to 10 seconds — this will soften the finish enough to release the moisture. Candle wax and crayon respond well to ice. Fill a plastic bag with ice cubes, wrap it in a towel, and place it on the stain until it hardens (a few minutes); carefully coax wax off with a plastic spatula or a credit card.
Hide them with touch-up markers like those from Parker & Bailey ($6, ParkerBailey.com), which we tested and found effective. Dab (don't color) a scratch with the lightest marker in the kit, then use a darker one if needed. Wipe off the excess with a soft cloth before it dries, and finish with a polish.
The former living room consisted of two smaller rooms. Nicole and Michiel broke through the wall separating the two rooms, resulting in a large L-shaped living space. They removed a large window and replaced it with French doors which gives them access to their garden. “We thought the adaptation would take two months at most, but in the end, it cost us more than nine months,” Nicole says. “Once you start, new things will pop up. The good thing is: now the whole house is finished right down to the last details.”
Their home is a mixture of styles. “I love to combine vintage with modern items and design,” Nicole explains. “The base colours in our home are white and grey. To create some warmth, I add warm colours such as brown, yellow, orange and red. I think wood is also a great way to give a room some extra warmth.” Nicole loves bringing souvenirs home from her travels, bringing with her unique accessories with a story and sweet memories. Her favourite pieces include the large wooden sculptures from the Philippines and the souvenirs in the shelving unit from Thailand and Laos.
Nicole and Michel do have different styles when it comes to decorating. “That can be difficult sometimes,” Nicole explains. “But finally, when Michiel sees how it turned out, nine out of ten times, he will like it anyway.” Michiel’s proudest accomplishment is the master bathroom, which he designed and created himself. The walls of the bathroom were given a ‘tadelakt’ finish, giving them a rustic aesthetic.
Mohamed Habaza
dang! what a great space. love what they did with it! any sources on the bamboo pendant in the bedroom or the wood shade in the nursery? Lot’s to love here! But I think most rooms feel a little cold.
Fouad Badawy
Light and bright, yet with the characteristics of the old farmhouse it once was, Nicole and Michiel created a comfortable family abode blending Nordic sensibilities with subtle ethnic touches.
Amr Sadeq
With ample space to spare, the couple were bedrooms into a dressing room, which displays all of the couple clothing on neatly organized black clothing racks.